Sunday, 2 October 2011

Young unemployed Scots to join Jarrow March

Young unemployed Scots to join Jarrow MarchThree long term unemployed Scots are to join the recreation of the 1936 march from Jarrow to London organised by the Youth Fight for Jobs campaign.

Jamie Cocozza from Glasgow, Matt Dobson from Dundee and Luke Ivory from Brora are joining the march at various points on its progress to London.

75 years ago, 200 marched from Jarrow in North East England to London demanding work for the unemployed. The Youth Fight for Jobs, Jarrow March backed by several trade unions began on October 1 and will end on November 5 with a London demonstration against high levels of unemployment. 

Jamie Cocozza, out of secure full time work for eighteen months, “The SNP government are boasting about lower unemployment figures but their agenda of passing on Westminster’s cuts to public services means this is unlikely to remain the case. The reality is there has been an 89% increase in youth unemployment in Scotland in the last two years, the highest level since devolution. Politicians if they want support from young people should refuse to vote for cuts and not implement them. We are marching hundreds of miles to oppose all public sector cuts and demand increased public investment to create real permanent jobs and a future for young people. We are grateful to have the backing of trade union organisations such as PCS Scotland and Glasgow City Unison as well as the Scottish Anti Cuts Alliance”. 

Matt Dobson, unemployed for over a year and a participant in the Westminster Coalition government’s mandatory Work Program “I feel like I have been punished for not being able to get work. The Work Program isn’t about getting people like me back into work but making money for private companies, people are being treated like guinea pigs in a free market experiment. We are marching not just to demand work but also to oppose the demonization of benefit claimants and the government’s attempts to privatise the welfare state”.
Luke Ivory, out of secure full time work for two years, “We feel proud to be following the tradition of those from Scotland who participated in the hunger marches in the 20’s and 30’s. But we are angry that in the 21st century mass unemployment is back on the agenda as once again a generation is being asked to pay for an economic crisis caused by the greed of the capitalists. We hope that young people in Scotland are inspired by the march and start to organise and fight for a future”

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Support the Jarrow to London March for Jobs. Help fund marchers!

Scottish Youth Fight for Jobs actvists are marching from Jarrow to London, starting on 1 October 2011. This is on the 75 anniversary of the Jarrow Crusade, when 200 unemployed workers took a similar route to raise awareness of mass unemployment. Today, as unemployment and youth unemployment soars, the ConDem coalition is axing jobs and services; this new campaign is absolutely vital. To make it all happen, we are working with the trade union movement and activists to raise £26,000 and organise demonstrations, rallies and protests in every town, city and area that the march visits.
Support the Scottish Contingent of the Jarrow March. Use the trade union letter below.  

Dear Brother/Sister,

I am writing to you on behalf of the Youth Fight for Jobs campaign and about our plans to recreate the Jarrow March for jobs of 1936 on the occasion of its 75th anniversary. We would like to ask if your branch could sponsor a marcher for £500, or donate towards the cost of the march. Cheques can be made out to Youth Fight For Jobs. 

Youth Fight for Jobs was launched in 2009 to take up the issue of youth unemployment and the lack of opportunities for young people generally. At present there are just under 1 million 16-24 year olds not in employment, education or training. This is at a time when working class people face the worst attacks on our rights and living standards seen for generations. As you will know the government plans to take its axe to 700,000 public sector jobs. We are also seeing a massive assault on the right to the benefits that go to the most vulnerable people in society. As well as this we have seen attacks on the right to a decent free education for all. The campaign has the backing of Unite, PCS, RMT, UCU, CWU, Bectu and TSSA.

In 1936 200 unemployed men marched from Jarrow on Tyneside to London to demand the government do something to alleviate unemployment and the appalling conditions most working people lived in at the time. Young people in Britain today face the same questions as they did then. The difference now is that we have more to lose.

Youth Fight for Jobs is following in the footsteps of the original Jarrow marchers. We will be starting on October 1st with a demonstration in Jarrow before we set off for London. Around the country we want the march to be part of a month of action against youth unemployment, with events in areas where the march doesn’t go as well as on the route. In London we will be holding a demonstration and a rally in
Trafalgar Square
, to bring together all those involved. Members of Youth Fight For Jobs (Scotland) will be participating in the march. We are encouraging students and young trade unionists from Scotland to take part. Details of the route and other events can be found on our website

As we march through towns and cities we want to link up with local trade unions and anti-cuts organisations to hold demonstrations, protests and rallies. To do this we need your support; we need you to mobilise as widely as possible and also to help us fund the march. The Jarrow March 2011 already has received the support of UCU, RMT, PCS, TSSA, Bectu and the FBU, alongside numerous anti-cuts groups and local trade union branches, and our members have spoken on various trade union platforms about the campaign.

This march will be part of a movement of young people against the ConDem’s brutal austerity agenda. We need to tell this government that we will not be lost generation, we will fight for jobs and we will fight for our futures!

Yours fraternally,

Jamie Cocozza,
Youth Fight for Jobs (Scotland)

Cheques and correspondence sent to Jamie Cocozza 4 Bedale Road, Garrowhill, Glasgow, G69 7LU

Our new leaflet.