Wednesday, 21 March 2012

March against the Tories bosses budget this Saturday (Troon)

Youth Fight for Jobs is  protesting today against this bosses budget, set by the rich, for the rich that will institutionalise poverty. George Osbourne has announced a "budget for working people"  when his government is carrying out a jobs massacre creating long term mass unemployment.  This budget will increase the misery of jobless young people, now numbering over 1 million. Young,low paid workers are having their incomes frozen below inflation while therichest 1% receive a tax break.
 The Tories are destroying our generation’s future with a threat of five years of austerity. They think they will be able to win thesupport of people for this austerity budget and turn their anger against benefit claimants, by breaking down public spending costs, in a personal statementsent to households. Youth Fight for Jobs demands that a full outline of thecosts of tax avoidance by big business and the rich and a breakdown of the expenditure of the bosses and super rich toff’s that benefit from the tax break is made public. On Saturday 24 March, Youth Fight for Jobs will be marching on the Tory Conference in Troon demanding a budget for the 99%. Instead of postcode pay cuts and pension robberies from public sector workers we demand an end to public sector cuts. Instead of slave labour workfare schemes we want increasedinvestment in a program of public works, real job creation schemes and skilled paid apprenticeships.

Assemble South Beach Esplanade (Victoria Drive) Troon 12pm

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